
sharing my creativity, one project at a time

New Toy and New Goals

1 Comment

My husband got me a Silhouette Cameo for Christmas (complete surprise, btw!). We’ve had a lot going on and were just able to get it hooked up last night. As I’ve said before, I am so not good with technical stuff and the Cameo almost had me in tears last night. After the two of us trying to figure it out for 45 minutes or longer, he figured out that one of the sensors had something on it and THAT is why we couldn’t get a good cut. Seriously, without him, I probably would’ve had the thing boxed back up and ready to send back 🙂

Today I am finally ready to get the ball rolling on my 2014 PL album – I’ve been waiting to use my Cameo. (If you are reading this soon after posting, you can see the “2014” that I cut for the title page in my Instagram feed to the right) So, you WILL see more from me soon as I get going. I am also going try to work on some unfinished projects this year as well, so I will be sharing with you things other than just my Project Life spreads. I have a few mini albums, a PL mini from a weekend trip and a larger, continual zoo album.

What about you? Do you have any projects that are sitting there, staring at you, just begging you to finish them?


Author: ktware

I'm a mom to 2 girls and 2 dogs. My husband and I have been together for over 17 years (married for 12 of them). I hate saying that I'm a "stay at home" mom, because I'm really not. I spend most of my time at my daughters' elementary school - volunteering, tutoring and (my favorite) scrapbooking with several different classes. I like photography, scrapbooking and general crafty stuff.

One thought on “New Toy and New Goals

  1. The silhouette is the most amazing machine ever. Almost all projects that I do use the silhouette in one way or another. Take a look on YouTube, lots of tutorials. Good luck!

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